Starbucks and the importance of observation.

The best thing about online studies is first of all this; you choose your classroom environment. Do you like to study out in natur? Do you focus best in mornings or evenings? Do you like to snack and study at the same time? Whatever you prefer, the choice is yours. I love my chai latte with soft music and the french language buzzing in the background. I love being able to lift my head from the deep focus of my studies and take a look around at the people around me. People coming and going. People studying, people talking, people smiling and no one noticing me. We're all together but on our own. This is the routine I choose, this is my classroom. If you are studying online it is important to create your routine. Get dressed up as if your going to school or work. Get excited about whatever it is that excites you about the environment you choose, for me it's the cakes and deliciousness I get to order and the mixed pleasures of learning and tasting the sweetness in my mouth. New tastes with new knowledge. A perfect combination! It also takes me 30 mins to walk here so the fresh air and clearing of my mind leaves a lot of space in my mind for studies and energy to keep it interesting for a few hours.


I've been reading of observational techniques today. Maria Montessori was, let's not forget, a scientist and a doctor and she reminds us of how important it is to see the truth in our surroundings. Objective observation is the key of noticing the details around you. She states that it is in fact the children who teaches us how to teach them in the best way possible. Every child have different preferences and are drawn to different ways of learning. They have different interests and this is important for the teacher to see so that he/she can adapt the education to the needs of the child. Objective observation is a great tool to effective education, as is the analyzation and judgement of the observations you make. 


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