Photo album

To the left we have younger brother M, 3yrs old, and to the right we have older brother L, 5 years old. I'm spending my days with these beautiful minds and at the moment we are working on a photo album. I have made photo albums myself fot the family. It is something I love so I thought - why don't we do one together. L loves writing with sticker-letters and putting the photos on the pages with the help of glue. M takes his time to draw a lot on each page and that seems to be his favorite thing. They both also really enjoy looking at all the photos and they love the little books with stickers that they got to choose in the store themselves. They really make beautiful art. It's a fantastic activity with a lot of fun and I can't wait to do it again. It's important to keep in mind tho that this activity is more about creating and having fun, the proccess of making rather than the outcome. The outcome is always very much alive and that's what's so beautiful. Life and personalities spread out on pages, wheather it's messy or non-understandable, it's alive and because of that I always try and give them a lot of freedom in art activities and as soon as they are open to learn something new I step in and show them something new they can learn. Let them finish what they've started, do not make them feel in a hurry or under pressure, it will take away the fun and it will be far less educational for the creative mind. Enjoy it, have fun and it will become a book of memories they can keep and look at when they're older.