Notre Dame

The boys finish school at noon on Wednesdays which means I get to take them for adventures sometimes. There is a bookshop just next to the Notre Dame cathedral where we went for a story telling. M was delighted and loved the songs and playing that ended up taking up more time than the actual reading. It's a beautiful english bookshop where I buy most of my books in Paris, it's called Shakespeare and Company. L was bit too old for some of the games but enjoyed the singing as well.
After that we crossed the road to the Notre Dame which they have visited once before. We lit a candle and they could make a "wish".
L - Frida, can I tell you my wish?
ME - No, L, it's supposed to be a secret.
L - But, please can I tell you my wish.
ME - Ok L, if you want to.
L (whispering in my ear) - A unicorn.
They are not growing up under the influence of religion so it's very interesting to see their interest and thoughts about everything. I tried saying a prayer with them which they loved but didn't understand. It turned in to the cutest moment of me saying thank you for many things and them just copying me. The questions about God and religion hasn't really come to mind yet but they enjoy going there and they love the Cathedral. L was thinking that a giant could walk into the church and we started a very interesting discussion about wether the giant would bump his hear in the ceiling or not.. It went something like this:
ME - Let's hear what M thinks. Do you think a giant would bump his head in here?
M (very serious) - No Frida..! The giant would wear a helmet if he came in here!
ME - Oh, that's a very smart giant!