Jardin Luxembourg

M's teacher was on strike today so I took him too the Luxembourg gardens. It's one of many places in Paris that takes your breath away. No matter how many times you visit! It's stunning and FUN. They have a big playground and a merry-go-round. M enjoys taking walks as well. He is so fascinated by what he sees. Sometimes seeing the world through the eyes of a three year old makes total and absolute sense. There were people cutting down a tree in the park. M has this love of big cranes and bulldozers and tractors. Not to mention trains, helicopters and airplanes too. So these men cutting down the tree was something he decided he wanted to spend over half an hour looking at. So we found a bench and looked. I'm amazed by his patience. How he gladly will sit and wait for something to happen. He wont do that with just anything so when moments like this presents themselves I let him take his time. Let him take it in. Let him look. This little guy gives me so much. Love. Happiness. Purpose. Smiles. Challenges. Joy. Urge. Inspiration. I am grateful I get to sit with him and look at some men cutting down a tree in one of the most beautiful parks I know in Paris. The rest of the day also included arranging books and reading a few to find one he wanted to read many times. A new favorite. Making an omelette together. A movie for his "temps calme" which he usually has instead of a nap. ABBA dance session. He likes to look at what I do with my feet when I "dance" and try and copy. Sometimes he says "I can't do that, I can only do this" and he shows me adorable moves. It's great to see him feeling the music through his body. Sometimes he concentrates and sometimes he let's loose. It was a wonderful day.