Book favorites
1. Where the wild things are, written and illustraited by Maurice Sendak.

I would recomend this book to children between 3 and 6. I language is beautifully written with some caractaristic words but easy to understand. Max is being a bit naughty and his mother send him to his room where he dissapears into imagination, a place where he can be as wild as he is. It's also about childrens emotions and how many children use imagination to kind of sort them out. What they feel and what matters. It's one of many wonders I love about children. In their imagination they can be whatever they want OR need to be. Strong, crazy, wild, sad, funny, happy, smart. Fun images and as famous and well known as it is, it's a different book meaning it's speacial and unic. Never get's old.
2. There once was a lady who swallowed a trout, written by Teri Sloat and Illustraited by Reynold Ruffins.

This was a book we read on and on for a long period of time. We even made it in to a song L leant how ro remember the hole book page by page! I love it still, it's such a good, fun read and the melody of the language here is just great. It's about a Lady who swallowed a trout to begin with and then ends up swallowing more and more things including an utter, a wale and the ocean. For each thing she swallows her belly groes biger and bigger.

This is a simple goodnight story that I would recomment to babies, that is children under 3 years old. It's a beautiful bedtime story where you say goodbye to many things. It's a good way to introduce words since the pictures match the text very well. This book inspired me to a bedtime routine I had with M when he was very little where I stood by the window and sayd goodnight to things in the garden, the sun, the day, the bed or things we had played with during the day or seen. Also family members. I painted him a picture of a sunset for his 1st birthday with a text on the back saying goodnight to many different things. He was very fond of touching paintings at the time.
4. The selfish giant written by Oscar Wilde and illustraited by many different Illustraitors.

I've been telling the boys about the selfish giant to prepare them for the book. I havent accually read it to them. I sometimes like to tell them stories and let them ask questions about stories that I like and know by heart. This story is about a selfish giant who won't let anyone come and play in his garden. But his garden loves children and their play brings summer, sun and beautiful flowers to the garden. When he tells them to go away and never come back, the garden is covered in a forever lasting Winter. Cold winds blow and the giant is started to wonder if the winter will ever end? Then some children sneaks into his garden again and summer appears. The giant realises that the garden likes children playing around and welcomes them next. He learns the benefits of sharing in a beautiful and poetic way. The language is not the easiest for children which is another reason I like them to know the story before I read the book. I find it opens up an interest and excitement when the book arrives and they get to see the pictures.
5. The cat in the hat, One fish two fish red fish blue fish, Green eggs and ham written and illustraited by Dr. Seuss.

These are well known and a "Must try to read to my kids" books. Most children seem to love them. They're crazy, fun and they rhyme wich I find myself always being drwan too. I love books that rhyme or at least have a good melody. I have to say these books are also good if you are trying to teach a child the English language. I have used them for that purpose working with french speaking children ( 4-6 years old ). It didn't take long until they wanted to help me finish sentences or read with me!