The moral roots of liberals and conservatives

This talk is really about that people need to realize that everyone has his/her own reality. We all learn so many different things from life and we all think that we are right, and most probably we are. But our truths about how to live life is not necessarily right for everyone just because it's right for us. I realized this when I was a child. I grew up with divorced parents and they had different opinions about everything. They were always 100% sure they were right and I realized they were both right but wrong to think there was only one way to be right. The world would be a different place if we accepted other peoples truths to be different from ours. Every life has a different way of living and thinking. This is beautiful! 

A friend who is a mormon once told me, when I asked her about who gets to go to heaven, that she believed that everyone has his/her own heaven. If you believe that you will become a cow in your life after this one, than that's what you will become. If you believe that you will go to heaven and live in a paradise, sharing food and drink with your God that that's what will happen. And if you believe everything turns black or heaven is an eternity of happiness, or that you'll turn into a spirit to protect and guide your loved once that are still alive than that's what will happen to you. If you believe heaven does'nt exist in any way then it wont. She believed the universe was miraculous like that. Our heavens are as different as our lives. I thought that was the most beautiful and realistic explanation I've ever heard.


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